simple pricing for what suits you the best.



Send the right content at the right time with testing and scheduling features.

$50.00/ month


  • 2500 Tokens

  • AI Text Message Assistant

  • Reporting Capabilities

  • 1,000 messages ($0.02) after limit reached*

Your order is now ready for pickup #23221 - TextSage

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No more spam like text messages

SMS marketing automation, just like email, need not be limited to any particular country. Omnisend supports all country codes for SMS (text-only messages) sending so that you can reach your international customers and drive conversions from anywhere in the world.

josh baker
ceo of baker reality

This is some text inside the rounded box.

customers have responded to messages more than-ever

No more spam like text messages

SMS marketing automation, just like email, need not be limited to any particular country. Omnisend supports all country codes for SMS (text-only messages) sending so that you can reach your international customers and drive conversions from anywhere in the world.

josh baker
ceo of baker reality